Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jonas Brothers and more

So this week I took Havana to see the Jonas Brothers. We went to see them just down the road from our house. I scored FABULOUS tickets a few hours before the show on Ticketmaster and we were off. My sister, her son Hudson, and Havana and I drove over listening to Camp Rock songs and being too excited for words. It was so great. We saw all of the love crazed girls screaming Nick and Joe's names and fawning over them as they came out on stage.

Our seats were at the center and only a few rows off the floor (perfect for the kids to see). When they came out on stage Havana was mesmerized, her eyes totally glazed over. She danced and we all sang and SCREAMED. It was a blast and I am so glad we got such great seats and decided to take the kids. Havana did great for being probably one of the youngest kids there. I wore my Jonas Brothers tee shirt to bed that night and wore a smile on my face. :)

Holland turned 4 months yesterday. She is cooing, and laughing, and rolling and trying to crawl. She is such a little love, and my husband says she is "too much, too much" beause of how gentle and sweet she is. I can't believe how big she is getting, how fast time goes by, and how much we all ADORE her.
We enjoyed Saturday at home, and after Miss Holland took a long 4 hour nap we all ventured out to the local Marysville Peach Festival. My high hopes were dismissed quickly, as I noticed it was no more than a small scale state fair. Plenty of fried food vendors and carny rides for the kids, but not that many PEACHES. :(

Today is a work day and hang around with the kids day. We will swim in the pool (the blow up kind in my sister's front yard) and just enjoy a lazy summer Sunday. More later.....

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