Tuesday, October 21, 2008

SO I am a terrible blogger

OK how does everyone find the time to write a blog, check your emails, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, look for goodies on Ebay, or Craigslist, and NOT have your house turn into something out of a natural disaster photo shoot. I am so completely overwhelmed with daily minutia that when it comes to documenting the good stuff, like how the girls are growing and life is progressing, well I just don't. I end up watching DVR'd shows instead, relaxing on the couch with a baby on my lap. Enjoying a little peace and quiet in the dark before I head off to bed to catch what I hope will be something close to 8 hours of decent (not great) sleep.

And then you wake up in the morning to start it all over again. Wishing, and hoping that this will be the day when you get all the laundry folded AND put away, dinner made, counters wiped. You know all the good stuff.

Ok I am off to bed now. Here are a few photos of the girls, and how big and grown up they are getting. I often long for the days of being childless and carefree, but then I look at them and know I wouldn't have it any other way. Night.

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School and Miss Holland turns 5 Months

Well it has been one month exactly since I last blogged. Where does the time go? And what have I been doing with it….reading too much celebrity gossip online that is for sure. The girls are getting bigger. Havana started real preschool last Monday and she is officially in school now. Although I don't really count preschool as real school, she does go everyday and is excited to go. This makes me very happy since I feel a little bit of guilt about sending her off at this young age, although I know I need the free time to get my work done. And even though I still have the little smooch around to keep me busy it is surely a whole heck of a lot easier to accomplish things with just one little sweetie around the house for a few hours of the day.

In another two weeks we leave for Cinci and we will be there for 3 weeks. Each week will be busy and different, with the first being consumed with family arrivals and prep for Holland's baptism and then the next week we will be on our own since Paw Paw will be off at The Ryder Cup with Keikee and Epoo. Then our last week there should be half normal and we can hang with the grandparents and cousins and get some quality bonding time in with everyone since our next trip to OHIO has not been pinned down yet.

Holland is 5 months old now, and scooting and moving around like crazy getting ready to crawl anytime now and then life as I know it will certainly be OVER. She is getting cuter and more smiley by the day and still continues to be such a good baby that I can't believe she and her sister are RELATED. I mean Havana was good, but not this good. Either too much time has gone by that I don't remember how Havana was, or this little doll is just that much better. Does this mean when we have #3 that he or she will be THAT much better than Holland? Probably not……who can be so lucky?!!!!

Here are a few new pics of little Miss Holland and her sis, they sure are growing up fast!!! We love them to pieces.


Thursday, July 24, 2008


OK Havana did not take a nap today, I tried and I TRIED but the girl is like the Energizer bunny. I don't know how she manages to go to school, come home and play, and then just keep going until 7 at night. But she did it and would do it every day if I let her. Of course, she had her moments of tiredness, and I had my moments of well....wanting her to be napping.

But here I am at 7:15 with both girls asleep writing a post about my day and enjoying the quiet.
Now I must head down to clean up and do dishes, and you know all that normal stuff that we all just adore doing. And then maybe, just maybe I will catch up on The Closer or some My Boys, or Jon and Kate Plus 8. Or maybe, I will go to bed early myself. Yeah right. :)

PS- Can I tell everyone that I adore the girls' cool new record player I found on EBay by Crosley. This is a cool record player company, that makes other electronics too, originally from OHIO made in Louisville- just like my hubby and I.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jonas Brothers and more

So this week I took Havana to see the Jonas Brothers. We went to see them just down the road from our house. I scored FABULOUS tickets a few hours before the show on Ticketmaster and we were off. My sister, her son Hudson, and Havana and I drove over listening to Camp Rock songs and being too excited for words. It was so great. We saw all of the love crazed girls screaming Nick and Joe's names and fawning over them as they came out on stage.

Our seats were at the center and only a few rows off the floor (perfect for the kids to see). When they came out on stage Havana was mesmerized, her eyes totally glazed over. She danced and we all sang and SCREAMED. It was a blast and I am so glad we got such great seats and decided to take the kids. Havana did great for being probably one of the youngest kids there. I wore my Jonas Brothers tee shirt to bed that night and wore a smile on my face. :)

Holland turned 4 months yesterday. She is cooing, and laughing, and rolling and trying to crawl. She is such a little love, and my husband says she is "too much, too much" beause of how gentle and sweet she is. I can't believe how big she is getting, how fast time goes by, and how much we all ADORE her.
We enjoyed Saturday at home, and after Miss Holland took a long 4 hour nap we all ventured out to the local Marysville Peach Festival. My high hopes were dismissed quickly, as I noticed it was no more than a small scale state fair. Plenty of fried food vendors and carny rides for the kids, but not that many PEACHES. :(

Today is a work day and hang around with the kids day. We will swim in the pool (the blow up kind in my sister's front yard) and just enjoy a lazy summer Sunday. More later.....

Monday, June 23, 2008

Here we go

So I love blogs. I read them all the time, when I should be working, tending to the kiddies, or taking care of all the things on my never ending to do list. And since I love blogs so much I decided to start one of my own. I make no promises about how often I will enter posts, or exactly what those posts are going to be about. But I will try to be creative, and informative, sharing quips and thoughts on my days as a stay at home, work from home, mommy of two little girls my husband likes to refer to as our "Sweetness". Thus my blog is going to be about enjoying all of the "Sweetness".

I look forward to this new adventure in my ever changing world of motherhood and wifehood.